
[2022] Identifying vftables through MS’s C++ RTTI [EN]
[2022] Bluefrost windows exploitation challenge for Ekoparty 2022 [EN]
[2022] Gamehacking: Rakion, my beginning [EN]
[2021] NT base infoleak (CVE-2018-8121) [EN]
[2020] BlueGate internals (CVE-2020-0609 and CVE-2020-0610) [EN]
[2014] Hacking Wimax routers SWC-9100 and SWU-9100 [PDF-ES]
[2014] Wimax router SWC-9100 and SWU-9100 backdoor [PDF-ES]
[2013] Not so random randomization on Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android 4.1.2) [PDF-ES] [FILES]
[2012] Unpacking Dynamic Forking method used by malware [PDF-ES]
[2012] LISP malware attacking South America companies. Analysing ACAD/MEDRE [PDF-ES] [FILES]
[2012] Unpacking Themida v2.2.x + ZProtect [PDF-ES] [FILES]
[2012] Unpacking Themida v2.1.8 for a Delphi binary and IAT reconstruction [PDF-ES] [FILES]
[2012] Unpacking VMProtect v1.6 - v2.05 for a VB binary and IAT reconstruction [PDF-ES] [FILES]
[2012] Unpacking Dekoro’s packer [PDF-ES]